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  • Campana de Donacion de Organos este Sabado Campana de Donacion de Organos este Sabado

    Este domingo 18 de Septiembre Done Vida, Donate Life Maryland y Eventos VIP Pass presentan uno de los eventos mas grandes que se realizan en el area metropolitana de Washington DC. La campanha de donacion de organos es este sabado. NO TE LO PIERDAS!!! Habrá actividades para todos los niños, también regalos y rifas gratuitas para todos. Venga a disfrutar de un día lleno de entretenimiento y...
    Este domingo 18 de Septiembre Done Vida, Donate Life Maryland y Eventos VIP Pass presentan uno de los eventos mas grandes que se realizan en el area metropolitana de Washington DC. La campanha de donacion de organos es este sabado. NO TE LO PIERDAS!!! Habrá actividades para todos los niños, también regalos y rifas gratuitas para todos. Venga a disfrutar de un día lleno de entretenimiento y...

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  • Mompreneur…Raising a bilingual kid Mompreneur…Raising a bilingual kid

    I recently read an article about “7 easy tips for teaching your child spanish” (by MAMIVERSE) which I found quite inspiring and motivate me to write my personal story that may help other mommy’s as they raise their kids learning two languages. I still remember a lady from church, originally from Peru like me, telling me don’t teach your son Spanish until he is three years old. Inside myself I...
    I recently read an article about “7 easy tips for teaching your child spanish” (by MAMIVERSE) which I found quite inspiring and motivate me to write my personal story that may help other mommy’s as they raise their kids learning two languages. I still remember a lady from church, originally from Peru like me, telling me don’t teach your son Spanish until he is three years old. Inside myself I...

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  • Shop EBD jewelry designs in Georgetown DC Shop EBD jewelry designs in Georgetown DC

    I am so happy to share with you my personal with Dumbarton Oaks and Gardens (DOAKS). Washington DC is a small town and I have learned that in the museum business industry people could be in one museum and next thing you know they may be working in another museum. I met Patti the now museum buyer at DOAKSmuseum shop at the Textile Museum about 6 years ago. She worked at the gift shop and every time...
    I am so happy to share with you my personal with Dumbarton Oaks and Gardens (DOAKS). Washington DC is a small town and I have learned that in the museum business industry people could be in one museum and next thing you know they may be working in another museum. I met Patti the now museum buyer at DOAKSmuseum shop at the Textile Museum about 6 years ago. She worked at the gift shop and every time...

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