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  • When your kid screams for attention When your kid screams for attention

    Now that I have two kids things are starting to get complicated. Having one child is a bit easier, I think…two is getting complicated and I can only imagine, three, four or more…What happens when they scream for attention? and you still have to continue with your dream of succeeding as a mompreneur.  I am starting to notice more often, my older son is screaming for attention. He does everything...
    Now that I have two kids things are starting to get complicated. Having one child is a bit easier, I think…two is getting complicated and I can only imagine, three, four or more…What happens when they scream for attention? and you still have to continue with your dream of succeeding as a mompreneur.  I am starting to notice more often, my older son is screaming for attention. He does everything...

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  • Mompreneur issues…Is it easy to find playdates for your kids? Mompreneur issues…Is it easy to find playdates for your kids?

    When I began writing my blog I said it is going to have information about how I live in the United States; but as an immigrant, we tend to compare how things work in our native countries. I am a working mother, and I am trying to wear all hats. It is even harder when your kid is not in school and you are trying to make everybody happy. We still have two more weeks before Tyler goes back to...
    When I began writing my blog I said it is going to have information about how I live in the United States; but as an immigrant, we tend to compare how things work in our native countries. I am a working mother, and I am trying to wear all hats. It is even harder when your kid is not in school and you are trying to make everybody happy. We still have two more weeks before Tyler goes back to...

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  • Inspiración de Joyas “Tema: La Vida” Inspiración de Joyas “Tema: La Vida”

    Es un inmenso honor, poder diseñar piezas e inspirarme en el tema de la VIDA que tiene como lema “Done Vida” esta organización que busca consientizarnos acerca de la importacia de la donación de organos. Y para mi en particular es muy especial el poder reconocer, compartir y concientizar sobre la importancia de uno de los dones más grandes que Dios nos dió La VIDA. Cuando empezó mi búsqueda de...
    Es un inmenso honor, poder diseñar piezas e inspirarme en el tema de la VIDA que tiene como lema “Done Vida” esta organización que busca consientizarnos acerca de la importacia de la donación de organos. Y para mi en particular es muy especial el poder reconocer, compartir y concientizar sobre la importancia de uno de los dones más grandes que Dios nos dió La VIDA. Cuando empezó mi búsqueda de...

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