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  • Peruvian Craft Demo by EB at the IMF Peruvian Craft Demo by EB at the IMF

    I am delighted to be invited by the IMF(International Monetary Fund) to this special weekly program events celebrating a week of Peruvian culture. During the Peruvian Craft Demo exhibition, I will be working hands-on making some of my jewelry pieces. If you happen to be in the premises of the IMF, stop by and check out my work! (1130a-1230n) You can also purchase Evelyn Brooks Designs online at ht...
    I am delighted to be invited by the IMF(International Monetary Fund) to this special weekly program events celebrating a week of Peruvian culture. During the Peruvian Craft Demo exhibition, I will be working hands-on making some of my jewelry pieces. If you happen to be in the premises of the IMF, stop by and check out my work! (1130a-1230n) You can also purchase Evelyn Brooks Designs online at ht...

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  • The Tumi Awards USA 2013 recognizes Evelyn Brooks jewelry designer The Tumi Awards USA 2013 recognizes Evelyn Brooks jewelry designer

    The Tumi Awards are given once a year in the state of Florida during the month of September. The Tumi Awards are given to the most notables Peruvians in the United States. It is considered the “Hall of Fame of the Peruvian Community” and took place on Saturday, Sept. 21 at  the Colony Theatre, located at 1040 Lincoln Road, Miami Beach, Fl. 33139. The XVIII Tumi USA Awardceremony honored 33...
    The Tumi Awards are given once a year in the state of Florida during the month of September. The Tumi Awards are given to the most notables Peruvians in the United States. It is considered the “Hall of Fame of the Peruvian Community” and took place on Saturday, Sept. 21 at  the Colony Theatre, located at 1040 Lincoln Road, Miami Beach, Fl. 33139. The XVIII Tumi USA Awardceremony honored 33...

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  • Acompañanos a recibir el premio TUMI USA AWARD 2013 Acompañanos a recibir el premio TUMI USA AWARD 2013

    Queridos amigos con mucho cariño, humildad,  y orgullo comparto con Uds. esta noticia tan especial.  El  día Sábado 21 de Septiembre estaré recibiendo el premio EL TUMI USA , que me será otorgado en el Lincoln Theater de South Beach, Miami FL. a las 7p. De manera muy especial comparto esto con uds. este gran honor y me encantaria que los que se encuentran en Miami me acompañen en esta noche en que...
    Queridos amigos con mucho cariño, humildad,  y orgullo comparto con Uds. esta noticia tan especial.  El  día Sábado 21 de Septiembre estaré recibiendo el premio EL TUMI USA , que me será otorgado en el Lincoln Theater de South Beach, Miami FL. a las 7p. De manera muy especial comparto esto con uds. este gran honor y me encantaria que los que se encuentran en Miami me acompañen en esta noche en que...

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