The successful Evelyn Brooks Designs blog is CELEBRATING

The successful Evelyn Brooks Designs blog is CELEBRATING

/ Post by Evelyn Brooks

When I launched my blog Two Worlds One Chica “The Hispanic-American life of a successful mompreneur” in 2011. I wanted to share my life and the many things I do on a daily basis to run a business, to be a loving mother, and to have some time to pamper myself, and my husband. Living as a successful “mompreneur” in the United States, is not an easy task. It is an everyday learning process. It is a journey I have been industriously working hard at, especially now that I have two children.

Photo by Sandro Gomez Photography

Evelyn Brooks with her two kids Tyler & Stella Rose

To those of you with one or more children, or no children at all, and wondering (because I also asked myself the same question), how do you do it?  Even better how do I do it? You know what? You JUST DO IT!  I have met so many women and men who have inspired me to continue doing what I do, to continue dreaming bigger and bigger. To dream large rather than small in accomplishing my goals.

mujerestrabajoSometimes, I still try to find answers to many things for my business, for, how to link square application to my quickbooks or simply how to link my Linked-in account to my Facebook.  Other questions such as “what is the best education for my child, public or private? Or should I put my children in activities everyday? In my native country Peru, that is a simple answer. In my former country our activities as kids was just simply to go to the park across from the house and climb trees or simply play.  That is not possible in such a heavily congested metropolis where childrens’ safety is a major concern, right?

I digress from my point. Through my blog I share how a “mompreneur” survives living in the United States as I am trying hard to keep my traditions alive within my children and making them understand that they can cherish and love both countries their parents have come from.

Peru 2013

On the other hand, through my blog I share jewelry designs and interesting subjects that are of helpful and fascinating for other entrepreneurs and mompreneurs.  More importantly these subjects can also help other women and men who are in the industry looking for answers. I believe this has been the instrumental key to the success of my blog. Also, I have learned to communicate with my audience in an open candid manner.  I speak from my heart and with honesty.

Truly, this has been a blessing that as a blogger I have also been able to connect with other women and men “mompreneurs” who are out there working hard, raising children and still trying to find balance in their lives.


My commitment to my readers is to continue bringing interesting subjects that motivate them coming back for more and finding helpful tips for success.

Let’s celebrate together and spread the word about Evelyn Brooks Designs;) Thank you for sharing your time with me.


Evelyn Brooks Designs

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