Last Minute… Back to School Tips

Last Minute… Back to School Tips Last Minute… Back to School Tips

Publicado en por Evelyn Brooks

To my fellow mothers and fathers,

This fall, my son Tyler will be starting his second year of preschool. I started asking myself how could I better prepare my son and myself this year.

Therefore, I did some research and found some interesting tips that I would like to share with you.  I will provide you the link of where I found all my tips, so that if you wish you can read more.

1) Prepare a school routine for your children

You’ll want to ease your children into a new school routine. Here are a few tips I found on Organized Home. Two weeks before school starts, start adjusting your children’s routine to one that will resemble the one at school. Therefore, gradually wake them up around the time that will be appropriate when school starts. Earlier and earlier (for late sleepers) every morning until the desired time has been reached.

Same thing applies to bedtime. You will gradually want to put them to sleep earlier until the school bedtime is achieved. Also, start planning snack, meal and nap times (if applicable) around the same time as school. The goal is to ease your children in to a school routine so that they are not totally destabilized.

Do It Now! Tips To Get Ready For Back-To-School

2) Plan out your shopping

You can ease the school mornings process by having outfits planned out. Before you start buying new clothes for your children, go through what they currently have, make outfits and then determine what’s missing and what could be given away. This will enable you to buy only what is needed.

In terms of supplies, get the school supply list as soon as possible and start shopping for the items as soon as you can. The earlier the better. If you wait until beginning of September, chances are higher that stores will have run out of some of the items you need.

The Parent Site also suggests that after you buy all new clothes and supplies, make sure you write your children’s names on each of the items to prevent them from ending up in an other child’s crayon box or closet.

Do It Now! Tips To Get Ready For Back-To-School
Getting Ready for Back-to-School


3) Practice run to get to school

Make sure you know how much time with traffic it will take you to get your kids to school.  If you are not driving , make sure you know how long it will take to get to the bus stop and how long the bus ride is or how much time it will take to walk to school. This is important because nobody wants to be late for the first day of school.

Do It Now! Tips To Get Ready For Back-To-School


4) Get them excited for their first year of school or going back to school

To create excitement read your children stories about other children’s first days of school. If this is their first year, you can tell them about your experience and the things you loved about school.
If this isn’t their first year, talk to them about the things they liked last year, whether it was an art class, gym class, a teacher or their friends.

Getting Ready for Back-to-School

5) Go to the school

Get your child familiar with his or her new environment. Attend an open house or make an appointment with the school, so that you and your child can tour the environment and get accustomed to it. This can apply if its your child’s first year in school or if they are changing schools.

Getting Ready for Back-to-School

Alright, these are the tips that I have! Let me know if you have others that I did not mention!


To my fellow mothers and fathers,

This fall, my son Tyler will be starting his second year of preschool. I started asking myself how could I better prepare my son and myself this year.

Therefore, I did some research and found some interesting tips that I would like to share with you.  I will provide you the link of where I found all my tips, so that if you wish you can read more.

1) Prepare a school routine for your children

You’ll want to ease your children into a new school routine. Here are a few tips I found on Organized Home. Two weeks before school starts, start adjusting your children’s routine to one that will resemble the one at school. Therefore, gradually wake them up around the time that will be appropriate when school starts. Earlier and earlier (for late sleepers) every morning until the desired time has been reached.

Same thing applies to bedtime. You will gradually want to put them to sleep earlier until the school bedtime is achieved. Also, start planning snack, meal and nap times (if applicable) around the same time as school. The goal is to ease your children in to a school routine so that they are not totally destabilized.

Do It Now! Tips To Get Ready For Back-To-School

2) Plan out your shopping

You can ease the school mornings process by having outfits planned out. Before you start buying new clothes for your children, go through what they currently have, make outfits and then determine what’s missing and what could be given away. This will enable you to buy only what is needed.

In terms of supplies, get the school supply list as soon as possible and start shopping for the items as soon as you can. The earlier the better. If you wait until beginning of September, chances are higher that stores will have run out of some of the items you need.

The Parent Site also suggests that after you buy all new clothes and supplies, make sure you write your children’s names on each of the items to prevent them from ending up in an other child’s crayon box or closet.

Do It Now! Tips To Get Ready For Back-To-School
Getting Ready for Back-to-School


3) Practice run to get to school

Make sure you know how much time with traffic it will take you to get your kids to school.  If you are not driving , make sure you know how long it will take to get to the bus stop and how long the bus ride is or how much time it will take to walk to school. This is important because nobody wants to be late for the first day of school.

Do It Now! Tips To Get Ready For Back-To-School


4) Get them excited for their first year of school or going back to school

To create excitement read your children stories about other children’s first days of school. If this is their first year, you can tell them about your experience and the things you loved about school.
If this isn’t their first year, talk to them about the things they liked last year, whether it was an art class, gym class, a teacher or their friends.

Getting Ready for Back-to-School

5) Go to the school

Get your child familiar with his or her new environment. Attend an open house or make an appointment with the school, so that you and your child can tour the environment and get accustomed to it. This can apply if its your child’s first year in school or if they are changing schools.

Getting Ready for Back-to-School

Alright, these are the tips that I have! Let me know if you have others that I did not mention!


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