ITTR- It’s Time to Relax!! AFTER ALL…

ITTR- It’s Time to Relax!! AFTER ALL… ITTR- It’s Time to Relax!! AFTER ALL…

Publicado en por Evelyn Brooks

Hello chicas,

This post is dedicated to all women because we ALL need to relax sometimes. Especially after a day that sometimes starts at 5a and does not end until 10p at night, right?

I know that you are all busy like me, so here are some quick ways to relax that can easily be incorporated into your daily or weekly life.

1) Music

Listen to your favorite old CD or song on your mp3 player. By doing this you, can rediscover music that you used to love and bring back good memories.

2) Treat yourself with a bath

Now ladies when is the last time you took a bath? I’m sure most of your answers are going to be “too long ago.” What’s great with a bath is while it is filling up, you can do something else like put the oldest ones to sleep. When you come back, be sure to add some nice smelling bath bubbles or oil. Lush has a whole bunch of these that you may like. Then hop in and relax for 10-20 minutes.

3) Read a book or a magazine

Take a couple of minutes before going to bed to wind down by reading a couple pages of your favorite book– or any book that you may like. This really helps get your mind off of things and brings you into a different reality. Even if its maybe not as mind captivating, you can read a couple pages from a magazine of your choice to stay up to beat with the latest trends.

4) You know that mom’s are allowed to watch TV too

Take a half an hour or so to watch a TV show that you like. If you can, skip through the commercials or rent the TV series because your half an hour show will become 30-40 minutes instead of an hour show.

5) Drink hot herbal tea

When I’m stressed and I need to relax, I like to sit down and drink a chamomile herbal tea and it works perfect if it is before bedtime. Since herbal teas do not have any caffeine, it won’t act as a stimulant. Chamomile has relaxing properties that can even help you fall in a nice deep sleep.

6) Lavender

I also love to light myself a lavender candle. When lavender is inhaled, it has calming and soothing effects.  You can also use a lavender bath oil to make your bath even more relaxing. Or you can heat some lavender oil to spread the smell throughout your house.

Let me know what you think and if you have any other tips please share them!

Enjoy the weekend!




Hello chicas,

This post is dedicated to all women because we ALL need to relax sometimes. Especially after a day that sometimes starts at 5a and does not end until 10p at night, right?

I know that you are all busy like me, so here are some quick ways to relax that can easily be incorporated into your daily or weekly life.

1) Music

Listen to your favorite old CD or song on your mp3 player. By doing this you, can rediscover music that you used to love and bring back good memories.

2) Treat yourself with a bath

Now ladies when is the last time you took a bath? I’m sure most of your answers are going to be “too long ago.” What’s great with a bath is while it is filling up, you can do something else like put the oldest ones to sleep. When you come back, be sure to add some nice smelling bath bubbles or oil. Lush has a whole bunch of these that you may like. Then hop in and relax for 10-20 minutes.

3) Read a book or a magazine

Take a couple of minutes before going to bed to wind down by reading a couple pages of your favorite book– or any book that you may like. This really helps get your mind off of things and brings you into a different reality. Even if its maybe not as mind captivating, you can read a couple pages from a magazine of your choice to stay up to beat with the latest trends.

4) You know that mom’s are allowed to watch TV too

Take a half an hour or so to watch a TV show that you like. If you can, skip through the commercials or rent the TV series because your half an hour show will become 30-40 minutes instead of an hour show.

5) Drink hot herbal tea

When I’m stressed and I need to relax, I like to sit down and drink a chamomile herbal tea and it works perfect if it is before bedtime. Since herbal teas do not have any caffeine, it won’t act as a stimulant. Chamomile has relaxing properties that can even help you fall in a nice deep sleep.

6) Lavender

I also love to light myself a lavender candle. When lavender is inhaled, it has calming and soothing effects.  You can also use a lavender bath oil to make your bath even more relaxing. Or you can heat some lavender oil to spread the smell throughout your house.

Let me know what you think and if you have any other tips please share them!

Enjoy the weekend!




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