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Go Red Wear Red the national campaign everyone should know about
The National Wear Red Day is tomorrow. Are you ready to support the American Heart Association?
Cardiovascular diseases kill nearly 1 in 3 women each year, killing approximately one woman every 80 seconds. Fortunately, we can change that because 80% of cardiac and stroke events may be prevented with education and action. That’s why the American Heart Association is asking that you wear red on National Wear Red Day® and Donate to Go Red For Woman.
Click here to see some warning signs to prevent a fatality.
Evelyn Brooks Designs has fabulous ideas to accessorize YOU for this special day. Shop at 24/7 & Get 20% OFF your purchase – Use coupon: GOREDWEARRED (Offer Valid through February 4th, 2017) a percentage of the sale will be donated to the Go Red for Women Organization & the American Heart Association
Let me share some ideas
What is next? On Feb. 9th I will be supporting Latina Style 50 Conference, where top latina executives share insight on how to acchieve success in corporate america.
Till next time!
Evelyn Brooks