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  • A Creative Jewelry Chica A Creative Jewelry Chica

    My journey as a jewelry designer, entrepreneur, and then mompreneur has had many obstacles but I have faced each of them with a smile and a phrase that says “something bigger and better” sooner or later will come. I have followed my favorite jewelry designers, too; to mention a few: Robert Lee Morris, just to look at him gives me a sense of peace, he seems such an easy going person; but also a...
    My journey as a jewelry designer, entrepreneur, and then mompreneur has had many obstacles but I have faced each of them with a smile and a phrase that says “something bigger and better” sooner or later will come. I have followed my favorite jewelry designers, too; to mention a few: Robert Lee Morris, just to look at him gives me a sense of peace, he seems such an easy going person; but also a...

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