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  • God bless America – “My home sweet home” God bless America – “My home sweet home”

    It was my son’s last day of school. He is now four years old. One more year and he will be off to kindergarten. I decided to write this blog post because after hearing those kids singing God Bless America – My home sweet home. It brought tears in my eyes. Making me realize how much time has passed, what have I learned after all those years?; with my son being in pre-school and indeed reafirming...
    It was my son’s last day of school. He is now four years old. One more year and he will be off to kindergarten. I decided to write this blog post because after hearing those kids singing God Bless America – My home sweet home. It brought tears in my eyes. Making me realize how much time has passed, what have I learned after all those years?; with my son being in pre-school and indeed reafirming...

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  • Educando a tus hijos bajo PRESION Educando a tus hijos bajo PRESION

    Ayer Lei un articulo muy interesante, que habla sobre como presionamos al extremo, tratando de educar a nuestros hijos; este articulo afirma que en esta sociedad moderna se les exije tanto a los hijos que se pierde el significado de las cosas mas simples en la vida como es el reir, conversar, disfrutar el Tiempo juntos o simplemente dibujar con un lapiz y un papel dejando volar su imaginacion, en...
    Ayer Lei un articulo muy interesante, que habla sobre como presionamos al extremo, tratando de educar a nuestros hijos; este articulo afirma que en esta sociedad moderna se les exije tanto a los hijos que se pierde el significado de las cosas mas simples en la vida como es el reir, conversar, disfrutar el Tiempo juntos o simplemente dibujar con un lapiz y un papel dejando volar su imaginacion, en...

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  • Maximizing your time as a Mompreneur Maximizing your time as a Mompreneur

    Today I felt I needed to run away from my home/office. My new baby girl is 4 months and my older son is 4 years old. More than ever I need to maximize my time. Someday I feel I haven’t done much at all. Trying to concentrate working from home, but I hear my baby and I run to make sure everything is all right. Even though the nanny takes care of her. But I guess this is normal. Working...
    Today I felt I needed to run away from my home/office. My new baby girl is 4 months and my older son is 4 years old. More than ever I need to maximize my time. Someday I feel I haven’t done much at all. Trying to concentrate working from home, but I hear my baby and I run to make sure everything is all right. Even though the nanny takes care of her. But I guess this is normal. Working...

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