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  • The DC Fashion Incubator The DC Fashion Incubator

    Dear fashionistas, entrepreneurs, mompreneurs from the fashion industry  of the DC metro area. For years I heard about the fashion incubator here and the incubator there, and the DC Fashion Incubator (DCFI)of course. So what is it? It is for fashion designers, a group of selected designers come here for a residence time (of about 8 months) they find resources, infrastructure and programming that...
    Dear fashionistas, entrepreneurs, mompreneurs from the fashion industry  of the DC metro area. For years I heard about the fashion incubator here and the incubator there, and the DC Fashion Incubator (DCFI)of course. So what is it? It is for fashion designers, a group of selected designers come here for a residence time (of about 8 months) they find resources, infrastructure and programming that...

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