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The day I became a MOMPRENEUR The day I became a MOMPRENEUR
It was June 13th, 2009 and I had a fashion show that day, I had no clue I was already pregnant with Tyler, months pass by, I felt weird and I didn’t know what it was. A friend of mine told me I think you are pregnant, I thought NO, that can’t be.
So my husband and I went to have a nice dinner and drinks but we 1st stopped at the pharmacy for the wonderful pregnancy tests, so when we came back we did the fabulous test, which came positive. Few days later I went to my doctor and he said: Yes, indeed Evelyn you are almost 11 weeks pregnant. I was working as I used to without anything stopping me. Tyler was there with me all this time without me knowing it, so he had a purpose, come to this world no matter what; 40 weeks later he was born on March 11th at 450p. Only 8 hours into labor and Tyler came to this world.
Estos son mis hijos a quienes les ensenho con orgullo a hablar en Espanhol y a quienes ensenhare a querer el Peru tanto como yo lo quiero y admirar y respetar la belleza de nuestro país.

Tyler with his cousins visiting Panama

When my little Tyler comes in the studio, he wants to work too! Wanda was so good at letting Tyler work with her.

The many faces of Tyler & mommy
Many times I tried to teach Tyler that there is a lot to see and do in this world. Whatever he wants in life he can have it. He just have to work hard to get want get wants. Nothing is for granted.
He comes to my studio many times and ask me how to bead a necklace, lately he is interested in learning how to use the plyers so we can open and close rings. All he wants the most is to continue spending time with me. (so for now I enjoy it)
He knows I have to travel a lot for work but he also understands that when mommy comes back we have a lot of quality time together.
I choose to be a mompreneur not a stay home mom and wife at home. (not my cup of tea). Everyone has the right to be happy doing what they love most. What I do is what I love most. I wanted to continue growing as a profesional and as a parent. I never stop working. And I know me and my husband work very hard just for one purpose to provide the best to our kids.
Now with two kids there is a lot more expenses, a lot more activities to do, a lot more places to visit, more trips to do and evidently more work to do.
The word Mompreneur suits me perfect. I know many women like me, who have kids and continue pursuing their dreams. But I am pretty sure that for most of them the most important thing in the end is your own FAMILY:)
Enjoy every minute of it,
Evelyn Brooks
It was June 13th, 2009 and I had a fashion show that day, I had no clue I was already pregnant with Tyler, months pass by, I felt weird and I didn’t know what it was. A friend of mine told me I think you are pregnant, I thought NO, that can’t be.
So my husband and I went to have a nice dinner and drinks but we 1st stopped at the pharmacy for the wonderful pregnancy tests, so when we came back we did the fabulous test, which came positive. Few days later I went to my doctor and he said: Yes, indeed Evelyn you are almost 11 weeks pregnant. I was working as I used to without anything stopping me. Tyler was there with me all this time without me knowing it, so he had a purpose, come to this world no matter what; 40 weeks later he was born on March 11th at 450p. Only 8 hours into labor and Tyler came to this world.
Estos son mis hijos a quienes les ensenho con orgullo a hablar en Espanhol y a quienes ensenhare a querer el Peru tanto como yo lo quiero y admirar y respetar la belleza de nuestro país.

Tyler with his cousins visiting Panama

When my little Tyler comes in the studio, he wants to work too! Wanda was so good at letting Tyler work with her.

The many faces of Tyler & mommy
Many times I tried to teach Tyler that there is a lot to see and do in this world. Whatever he wants in life he can have it. He just have to work hard to get want get wants. Nothing is for granted.
He comes to my studio many times and ask me how to bead a necklace, lately he is interested in learning how to use the plyers so we can open and close rings. All he wants the most is to continue spending time with me. (so for now I enjoy it)
He knows I have to travel a lot for work but he also understands that when mommy comes back we have a lot of quality time together.
I choose to be a mompreneur not a stay home mom and wife at home. (not my cup of tea). Everyone has the right to be happy doing what they love most. What I do is what I love most. I wanted to continue growing as a profesional and as a parent. I never stop working. And I know me and my husband work very hard just for one purpose to provide the best to our kids.
Now with two kids there is a lot more expenses, a lot more activities to do, a lot more places to visit, more trips to do and evidently more work to do.
The word Mompreneur suits me perfect. I know many women like me, who have kids and continue pursuing their dreams. But I am pretty sure that for most of them the most important thing in the end is your own FAMILY:)
Enjoy every minute of it,
Evelyn Brooks