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  • Celebrating Mother’s day giving back Celebrating Mother’s day giving back

    Powerful moms from the DC area donated their time and efforts to raise funds for The Tigerlilly Foundation. Last friday I had the chance to work with some of my favorite designers whom I met when I began my journey as a jewelry designer over 10 years ago. Our journey as designers remained true to our love for fashion and were able to continue doing what we love to do. Lara Akinsaya of L’Shandi and...
    Powerful moms from the DC area donated their time and efforts to raise funds for The Tigerlilly Foundation. Last friday I had the chance to work with some of my favorite designers whom I met when I began my journey as a jewelry designer over 10 years ago. Our journey as designers remained true to our love for fashion and were able to continue doing what we love to do. Lara Akinsaya of L’Shandi and...


  • Baby traditions in Hispanic Culture Baby traditions in Hispanic Culture

    There was a time when I was little and I remembered seeing babies wearing a red little ribbon on their wrist or our traditional huayruro (why-ee-ru-ro) bracelet to protect the baby from the “mal de ojo” or evil eye. As a latina mom there are many traditions I kept and repeat with our kids. Married to an American, I am already used to him to looking at me like I am crazy, (only sometimes…hahaha)....
    There was a time when I was little and I remembered seeing babies wearing a red little ribbon on their wrist or our traditional huayruro (why-ee-ru-ro) bracelet to protect the baby from the “mal de ojo” or evil eye. As a latina mom there are many traditions I kept and repeat with our kids. Married to an American, I am already used to him to looking at me like I am crazy, (only sometimes…hahaha)....


  • Buenos Dias DC – aprenda joyeria con Evelyn Brooks Buenos Dias DC – aprenda joyeria con Evelyn Brooks

    Hola queridos amigos/as, Soy Evelyn Brooks disenhadora de joyas y con gusto quiero enseñarles un poquito de como uds pueden hacer sus propias joyas desde su casa, esta oportunidad se dio al poder llegar a uds a travez de Buenos Dias DC y el segmento de Moda “Joyería desde su casa” Les cuento como comenzó la etapa de Evelyn Brooks de ensenhar a hacer joyas. Todo comenzó hace unos cinco años cuando...
    Hola queridos amigos/as, Soy Evelyn Brooks disenhadora de joyas y con gusto quiero enseñarles un poquito de como uds pueden hacer sus propias joyas desde su casa, esta oportunidad se dio al poder llegar a uds a travez de Buenos Dias DC y el segmento de Moda “Joyería desde su casa” Les cuento como comenzó la etapa de Evelyn Brooks de ensenhar a hacer joyas. Todo comenzó hace unos cinco años cuando...


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