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Do you believe in good energy? Do you believe in good energy?
Not long ago my brother came to visit from Peru just for a few days. After a couple days, he told my mom over the phone that at nights he wasn’t able to sleep well, while staying over at my house. He told my mom: “I feel Evelyn’s house is HEAVY”… of course as latinos some we may understand what heavy means, right?. Which ins’t heavy because is heavy in weight, instead it means the energy in the...Not long ago my brother came to visit from Peru just for a few days. After a couple days, he told my mom over the phone that at nights he wasn’t able to sleep well, while staying over at my house. He told my mom: “I feel Evelyn’s house is HEAVY”… of course as latinos some we may understand what heavy means, right?. Which ins’t heavy because is heavy in weight, instead it means the energy in the... -
The DC Fashion Incubator The DC Fashion Incubator
Dear fashionistas, entrepreneurs, mompreneurs from the fashion industry of the DC metro area. For years I heard about the fashion incubator here and the incubator there, and the DC Fashion Incubator (DCFI)of course. So what is it? It is for fashion designers, a group of selected designers come here for a residence time (of about 8 months) they find resources, infrastructure and programming that...Dear fashionistas, entrepreneurs, mompreneurs from the fashion industry of the DC metro area. For years I heard about the fashion incubator here and the incubator there, and the DC Fashion Incubator (DCFI)of course. So what is it? It is for fashion designers, a group of selected designers come here for a residence time (of about 8 months) they find resources, infrastructure and programming that... -
Ocurrencias de niños bilingues Ocurrencias de niños bilingues
Siguiendo con nuestros lunes de niños bilingües, permitanme compartir con ustedes algunas de las ocurrencias de mis niños que quizas ustedes también las hayan vivido ó les de una idea de como corregir a sus niños bilingües, aquí algunos ejemplos: 1.- Estabamos armando un rompecabezas de letras con mi hijo Tyler y el muy convencido me dice mira mama: A de manzana, B de pajarito, C de peine, claro...Siguiendo con nuestros lunes de niños bilingües, permitanme compartir con ustedes algunas de las ocurrencias de mis niños que quizas ustedes también las hayan vivido ó les de una idea de como corregir a sus niños bilingües, aquí algunos ejemplos: 1.- Estabamos armando un rompecabezas de letras con mi hijo Tyler y el muy convencido me dice mira mama: A de manzana, B de pajarito, C de peine, claro...