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  • Ocurrencias de niños bilingues Ocurrencias de niños bilingues

    Siguiendo con nuestros lunes de niños bilingües, permitanme compartir con ustedes algunas de las ocurrencias de mis niños que quizas ustedes también las hayan vivido ó les de una idea de como corregir a sus niños bilingües, aquí algunos ejemplos: 1.- Estabamos armando un rompecabezas de letras con mi hijo Tyler y el muy convencido me dice mira mama: A de manzana, B de pajarito, C de peine, claro...
    Siguiendo con nuestros lunes de niños bilingües, permitanme compartir con ustedes algunas de las ocurrencias de mis niños que quizas ustedes también las hayan vivido ó les de una idea de como corregir a sus niños bilingües, aquí algunos ejemplos: 1.- Estabamos armando un rompecabezas de letras con mi hijo Tyler y el muy convencido me dice mira mama: A de manzana, B de pajarito, C de peine, claro...


  • How to help your kid feel proud of his roots How to help your kid feel proud of his roots

    As I talked on my two worlds one chica blog about how is my live living in America while most of my life I lived in Peru and all my roots are there, I have to be realistic and admit now my new life is here in the United States my new home country. Although those roots, background, heritage whatever you want to call it; is always there in my mind. Especially when I want to pass on the many...
    As I talked on my two worlds one chica blog about how is my live living in America while most of my life I lived in Peru and all my roots are there, I have to be realistic and admit now my new life is here in the United States my new home country. Although those roots, background, heritage whatever you want to call it; is always there in my mind. Especially when I want to pass on the many...


  • Empowering Latino Women – The Adelante Movement Empowering Latino Women – The Adelante Movement

    I have been part of different latino women groups and I especially like to be part of those that empower latino women to grow their business. It is been about a year or more since I learned about the “Adelante Movement” launched by well known TV producer, Nelly Galan. There are many reasons why latina’s are so strong and stubborns sometimes. But all we want I think is to grow personally and...
    I have been part of different latino women groups and I especially like to be part of those that empower latino women to grow their business. It is been about a year or more since I learned about the “Adelante Movement” launched by well known TV producer, Nelly Galan. There are many reasons why latina’s are so strong and stubborns sometimes. But all we want I think is to grow personally and...


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