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  • Do you believe in good energy? Do you believe in good energy?

    Not long ago my brother came to visit from Peru just for a few days. After a couple days, he told my mom over the phone that at nights he wasn’t able to sleep well, while staying over at my house. He told my mom: “I feel Evelyn’s house is HEAVY”… of course as latinos some we may understand what heavy means, right?. Which ins’t heavy because is heavy in weight, instead it means the energy in the...
    Not long ago my brother came to visit from Peru just for a few days. After a couple days, he told my mom over the phone that at nights he wasn’t able to sleep well, while staying over at my house. He told my mom: “I feel Evelyn’s house is HEAVY”… of course as latinos some we may understand what heavy means, right?. Which ins’t heavy because is heavy in weight, instead it means the energy in the...


  • Four reasons to raise Bilingual Children Four reasons to raise Bilingual Children

    Happy Monday Everyone! The video above is my daughter and I singing a bilingual song. I am raising my children to be bilingual and I have been seeing many news articles recently discussing bilingual children along with the advantages they have. Below, I have summed up some of the advantages for bilingual children. Speaking two languages helps preserve both cultures and keeps the children...
    Happy Monday Everyone! The video above is my daughter and I singing a bilingual song. I am raising my children to be bilingual and I have been seeing many news articles recently discussing bilingual children along with the advantages they have. Below, I have summed up some of the advantages for bilingual children. Speaking two languages helps preserve both cultures and keeps the children...


  • Baby traditions in Hispanic Culture Baby traditions in Hispanic Culture

    There was a time when I was little and I remembered seeing babies wearing a red little ribbon on their wrist or our traditional huayruro (why-ee-ru-ro) bracelet to protect the baby from the “mal de ojo” or evil eye. As a latina mom there are many traditions I kept and repeat with our kids. Married to an American, I am already used to him to looking at me like I am crazy, (only sometimes…hahaha)....
    There was a time when I was little and I remembered seeing babies wearing a red little ribbon on their wrist or our traditional huayruro (why-ee-ru-ro) bracelet to protect the baby from the “mal de ojo” or evil eye. As a latina mom there are many traditions I kept and repeat with our kids. Married to an American, I am already used to him to looking at me like I am crazy, (only sometimes…hahaha)....


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