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  • Peru Fashion Night NYC presents jewelry designer Evelyn Brooks

    I am seating here thinking about Peru Fashion Night NYC tomorrow. Which will be the 1st time in New York doing a Fashion Show. I completely believe in this phrase “when is your time is your time and no one can’t take it away”  I still remember the day I was going to showcase in a gallery in Soho, but it wasn’t the right time, then. I didn’t feel secure about doing the show, about my relationship...


  • Trade Show VS Retail Shows

    Este email es para todos aquellos que buscan internacionalizar su productos y para aquellos que buscan lanzar sus productos. Cuando uno lanza un producto entre amigos, familiares o quizas en alguna feria pequenha artesanal donde su producto va a llegar al consumidor final. Eso se llama venta final al consumidor. En Estados Unidos se conoce como una venta retail. Dos veces al anho nosotros hacemos...


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