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Before, during and after a Fashion Show
Before a Fashion show, Youtuber, Mss Primavera DC, model & radio host Cindy Gamez Photo by Matthew Ryson Besides choosing and fitting models, in my case as a jewelry designer I have to take care of separating the jewelry collections by models, making sure what model is going to wear what depending her neck line and dress style. Also who will do hair and make up? making sure our headbands show... -
Cuando tu hijo te pregunta… Como llegan los bebes?
Como llegan los bebes a tu estomago? esa fue la pregunta que hizo Tyler este fin de semana, lo mire me reí y le dije: a ver Tyler…otro día te lo cuento… Por dentro pensaba y ahora QUE LE DIGO??? obvio mi hijo tannnn inteligente, me dijo NO MAMA, HOY ME LO CUENTAS! En verdad que no sabia que hacer y le dije bueno, ensñandole mis dedos indices, le dije este es tu mama y este tu papa, se quieren... -
Baby traditions in Hispanic Culture
There was a time when I was little and I remembered seeing babies wearing a red little ribbon on their wrist or our traditional huayruro (why-ee-ru-ro) bracelet to protect the baby from the “mal de ojo” or evil eye. As a latina mom there are many traditions I kept and repeat with our kids. Married to an American, I am already used to him to looking at me like I am crazy, (only sometimes…hahaha)....