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  • Shop EBD jewelry designs in Georgetown DC Shop EBD jewelry designs in Georgetown DC

    I am so happy to share with you my personal with Dumbarton Oaks and Gardens (DOAKS). Washington DC is a small town and I have learned that in the museum business industry people could be in one museum and next thing you know they may be working in another museum. I met Patti the now museum buyer at DOAKSmuseum shop at the Textile Museum about 6 years ago. She worked at the gift shop and every time...
    I am so happy to share with you my personal with Dumbarton Oaks and Gardens (DOAKS). Washington DC is a small town and I have learned that in the museum business industry people could be in one museum and next thing you know they may be working in another museum. I met Patti the now museum buyer at DOAKSmuseum shop at the Textile Museum about 6 years ago. She worked at the gift shop and every time...


  • Is AmericasMart for you? Is AmericasMart for you?

    What is the AmericasMart? Those in the trade business look for premier trade shows in the United States to launch their businesses, to introduce a new product, to preset your jewelry line, baby line, furniture, etc, etc. The Atlanta International Gift and Home Furnishings Market is one of the largest wholesale home and gift shows in the world with hundreds of thousands of buyers and sellersin...
    What is the AmericasMart? Those in the trade business look for premier trade shows in the United States to launch their businesses, to introduce a new product, to preset your jewelry line, baby line, furniture, etc, etc. The Atlanta International Gift and Home Furnishings Market is one of the largest wholesale home and gift shows in the world with hundreds of thousands of buyers and sellersin...


  • 5 Tips to Score a Sale in this Economy 5 Tips to Score a Sale in this Economy

    Compared to last year, I’ve noticed a BIG change in Evelyn Brooks Designs, but it doesn’t have anything to do with me or my jewelry. It has to do with the economy. This year, I’ve noticed that the economy is still taking a toll on the arts and crafts world. Even though it is supposedly doing much better than past years, I can’t help but notice...
    Compared to last year, I’ve noticed a BIG change in Evelyn Brooks Designs, but it doesn’t have anything to do with me or my jewelry. It has to do with the economy. This year, I’ve noticed that the economy is still taking a toll on the arts and crafts world. Even though it is supposedly doing much better than past years, I can’t help but notice...


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