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  • Maximizing your time as a Mompreneur Maximizing your time as a Mompreneur

    Today I felt I needed to run away from my home/office. My new baby girl is 4 months and my older son is 4 years old. More than ever I need to maximize my time. Someday I feel I haven’t done much at all. Trying to concentrate working from home, but I hear my baby and I run to make sure everything is all right. Even though the nanny takes care of her. But I guess this is normal. Working...
    Today I felt I needed to run away from my home/office. My new baby girl is 4 months and my older son is 4 years old. More than ever I need to maximize my time. Someday I feel I haven’t done much at all. Trying to concentrate working from home, but I hear my baby and I run to make sure everything is all right. Even though the nanny takes care of her. But I guess this is normal. Working...

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  • Be Proud of Yourself this Mother’s Day Be Proud of Yourself this Mother’s Day

    As a mom, friend, child, sister, etc…we have soooo many responsibilities that truthfully, with me being 38 years old, with a four-year-old son and four-month-old baby daughter, what I wish I could do each and every day is simply relax, live freely, reconnect with my life…and of course take every opportunity that awaits to spoil myself. How wonderful that would be!       Let’s not forget that many...
    As a mom, friend, child, sister, etc…we have soooo many responsibilities that truthfully, with me being 38 years old, with a four-year-old son and four-month-old baby daughter, what I wish I could do each and every day is simply relax, live freely, reconnect with my life…and of course take every opportunity that awaits to spoil myself. How wonderful that would be!       Let’s not forget that many...

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  • Recuerda como MAMÁ que TÚ también eres IMPORTANTE Recuerda como MAMÁ que TÚ también eres IMPORTANTE

    Como mamá, amiga, hija, hermana, etc, etc…tenemos taaaantas responsabilidades que en verdad a mis 38 años, con un niño de 4 años y una bebe de 4 meses, lo que más quiero en mi día es descansar, poder dedicármelo a mí, reconectar conmigo, engreírme:) No olvidemos que muchas de nosotros somos el MOTOR de la familia. Muchas de nosotras somos el eje que mueve la familia, que organizamos y logramos que...
    Como mamá, amiga, hija, hermana, etc, etc…tenemos taaaantas responsabilidades que en verdad a mis 38 años, con un niño de 4 años y una bebe de 4 meses, lo que más quiero en mi día es descansar, poder dedicármelo a mí, reconectar conmigo, engreírme:) No olvidemos que muchas de nosotros somos el MOTOR de la familia. Muchas de nosotras somos el eje que mueve la familia, que organizamos y logramos que...

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