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Evelyn Brooks Designs Jewelry Campaign 2014 Evelyn Brooks Designs Jewelry Campaign 2014
I have been planning for months how to do our marketing campaign for 2014. It had to be mind blowing, a completely different concept. Where you could see that Evelyn Brooks Designs is growing as a jewelry designer. We are still a small jewelry company but we look forward to getting BIGGER & BIGGER. Still, with a small budget we were able to work out with a wonderful group of professional that made...I have been planning for months how to do our marketing campaign for 2014. It had to be mind blowing, a completely different concept. Where you could see that Evelyn Brooks Designs is growing as a jewelry designer. We are still a small jewelry company but we look forward to getting BIGGER & BIGGER. Still, with a small budget we were able to work out with a wonderful group of professional that made... -
International Monetary Fund presented Evelyn Brooks International Monetary Fund presented Evelyn Brooks
Sometimes life gives you many surprise…Many years ago when I first started looking for a job in Washington DC, one of my dream jobs was to work for an international organization. For three years I worked at the Pan American Healthin Washington DC. I left it for good to dedicate myself full time to my jewelry business. Although I miss my good friends, and all the latin flavor that comes with it:)...Sometimes life gives you many surprise…Many years ago when I first started looking for a job in Washington DC, one of my dream jobs was to work for an international organization. For three years I worked at the Pan American Healthin Washington DC. I left it for good to dedicate myself full time to my jewelry business. Although I miss my good friends, and all the latin flavor that comes with it:)... -
Demostracion de joyas hechas a mano en el IMF Demostracion de joyas hechas a mano en el IMF
Estoy muy contenta de haber sido invitada por el IMF (Fundacion Monetaria Internacional) a este programa especial de eventos en el que se celebra la semana de la cultura peruana. Durante este evento que se realizara manana jueves, me podreis ver como trabajo y creo mis joyas en persona. Tambien podeis comprar las piezas que os gusten en Evelyn Brooks Designs a traves de mi web http://www.ebrooksd...Estoy muy contenta de haber sido invitada por el IMF (Fundacion Monetaria Internacional) a este programa especial de eventos en el que se celebra la semana de la cultura peruana. Durante este evento que se realizara manana jueves, me podreis ver como trabajo y creo mis joyas en persona. Tambien podeis comprar las piezas que os gusten en Evelyn Brooks Designs a traves de mi web http://www.ebrooksd...