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  • The history of red color and its influence in fashion through out the years The history of red color and its influence in fashion through out the years

    What do you think of when you think of the color Red? Love? Passion? Good luck? Happiness? Power? Or maybe red makes you think of all of those things. But I want to explain where the color lies in fashion history so that will maybe show you all why I choose to use red in so many of my designs. Red used to be associated with royalty, especially in European culture, according an article and podcast...
    What do you think of when you think of the color Red? Love? Passion? Good luck? Happiness? Power? Or maybe red makes you think of all of those things. But I want to explain where the color lies in fashion history so that will maybe show you all why I choose to use red in so many of my designs. Red used to be associated with royalty, especially in European culture, according an article and podcast...

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