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  • Kids grow too fast… Kids grow too fast…

    Gosh I can’t believe my little Tyler is turning six. Many things have happened in the past six years. I know (for sure) I am not the perfect mom, but as many of us we tried our best, right? We latinas, are probably LOUD and end up raising our kids the latin way, for those who don’t know you must be like, huh? OK, so here are some samples of the latin way: Say good morning with a kiss, say good bye...
    Gosh I can’t believe my little Tyler is turning six. Many things have happened in the past six years. I know (for sure) I am not the perfect mom, but as many of us we tried our best, right? We latinas, are probably LOUD and end up raising our kids the latin way, for those who don’t know you must be like, huh? OK, so here are some samples of the latin way: Say good morning with a kiss, say good bye...

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  • Buenos Dias DC – aprenda joyeria con Evelyn Brooks Buenos Dias DC – aprenda joyeria con Evelyn Brooks

    Hola queridos amigos/as, Soy Evelyn Brooks disenhadora de joyas y con gusto quiero enseñarles un poquito de como uds pueden hacer sus propias joyas desde su casa, esta oportunidad se dio al poder llegar a uds a travez de Buenos Dias DC y el segmento de Moda “Joyería desde su casa” Les cuento como comenzó la etapa de Evelyn Brooks de ensenhar a hacer joyas. Todo comenzó hace unos cinco años cuando...
    Hola queridos amigos/as, Soy Evelyn Brooks disenhadora de joyas y con gusto quiero enseñarles un poquito de como uds pueden hacer sus propias joyas desde su casa, esta oportunidad se dio al poder llegar a uds a travez de Buenos Dias DC y el segmento de Moda “Joyería desde su casa” Les cuento como comenzó la etapa de Evelyn Brooks de ensenhar a hacer joyas. Todo comenzó hace unos cinco años cuando...

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  • Trade Comission Office of Peru in NYC presents Evelyn Brooks at Peru Moda NYC Trade Comission Office of Peru in NYC presents Evelyn Brooks at Peru Moda NYC

    As a Peruvian designer it is an honor when you get an invitation to show your work to a group of the most reknown buyers from the area of New York. They would ALL be under one roof, the occasion the launching of Peru Moda NYC. Evelyn Brooks will have a representation during the soft launch in anticipation of Peru Moda that will take place in Lima-Peru (Apr. 15-17th, 2015) I got a chance to see my...
    As a Peruvian designer it is an honor when you get an invitation to show your work to a group of the most reknown buyers from the area of New York. They would ALL be under one roof, the occasion the launching of Peru Moda NYC. Evelyn Brooks will have a representation during the soft launch in anticipation of Peru Moda that will take place in Lima-Peru (Apr. 15-17th, 2015) I got a chance to see my...

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