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Peruvian Huayruros named “The Seeds of Beauty” by USA TODAY
Peruvian huayruros (WHY-EE-RU-ROS) are without a doubt the lucky seeds even during Pre-Inca times. The Inca, “King of the Inca Empire” will always carry a little pouch with huayruro (why-ee-ru-ro) seeds in it, and use them as a symbol of protection.
I still remember I didn’t like to wear those seeds in a traditional way, no design just the seeds as simple strands. Now I totally believe there is a reason for everything. I love my huayrur0 (why-ee-ru-ro) seeds, l love the color, the uniqueness of each of them and most important they are a symbol of prosperity, love & happiness; although I wanted to wear them and show the world you can wear them in much modern way.
I feel proud to wear them and see others wearing them, too; my new minimal collection shows the seeds with a delicate little touch, for those who like big pieces I also have the seeds designed into beautiful large necklaces with the seeds, silver and gold.
For years I have worked hard to promote my jewelry designs made with Peruvian huayruro seeds. I have given away thousands of good luck charms sharing the meaning of the lucky huayruro seeds, those who also know about the seeds they know, the seeds have to be given as gifts.
Picking up a magazine that talks about “The Beauty of the Seeds” is a personal dream made come true that I am also very PROUD to share this with YOU ALL.
I believed so much in my work and I would work hard for Peruvians and non Peruvians alike to know about the traditional huayruro (why-ee-ru-ro)seeds through my jewelry designs. With the article “The Beauty of the Seeds” published by USA TODAY for their publication Hispanic Living Magazine, more and more people will know about the huayrur0 (why-ee-ru-ro) seeds and my work.
Reading the article is beyond surreal. You can not imagine how PROUD I felt. A mompreneur, working hard for my kids and family to have a better future for ALL of US; knowing that those sleepless nights and stressful days are always there but there are also days when we do have to celebrate and say to ourselves ” you are doing a great job” slow down for a little, enjoy that beautiful moment, then pad your back and continue working.
Check out my video been a model for one day:)
To those women out there, mompreneurs, single parents YOU CAN DO IT! Just surround yourself with those who empower YOU, those who are actually bringing positive things to your life and your career, those who sometimes become your family without even being your family.
Share your thoughts anytime and let’s all empower ourselves!!!
Evelyn Brooks