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Mompreneur special celebration Mompreneur special celebration
Today is a special day, our little princess was born. When we first had Tyler it was something really special cause it was our first kid. I know there will always be that special connection with my little man, though.
BUT I always wanted to have a girl. I never had a sister so I didn’t know what it is live with a girl. My mom always cut my hair short and I wasn’t very girly. So I wanted my little girly girl. When we went to the ultrasound to find out the sex and the nurse told us we were having a girl, I felt as if I was winning the lottery so I burst into tears. In just a few more weeks I was having that little girl I always dreamed about (not to mention that she even came with blue eyes…LOL)

So on a cold day like today, Stella Rose was born at 750p with 4 pounds and 9 ounces. The light of our eyes, with her challenging eye look, with her playful eyebrows managing to express herself without saying much. So strong to give Tyler a good fight, and simply showing us her strong personality that is this little lady. Happy birthday my GORGEOUS little princess.
I know there are many adventures we will live together and we will always be together no matter what. We have started to experiment how the boys want to play xbox and be boys in the house while mommy and Stella Rose go shopping or find something girly to do.
Hope you enjoy having a little girl in your life, it is truly one of the most amazing experiences I have ever lived even though some days are harder than other. I am thankful to have the opportunity to be a mom and hopefully I will help my kids when they decide to be parents;)
Cheers to you princess Stella Rose
Your mommy,
Evelyn Brooks
Today is a special day, our little princess was born. When we first had Tyler it was something really special cause it was our first kid. I know there will always be that special connection with my little man, though.
BUT I always wanted to have a girl. I never had a sister so I didn’t know what it is live with a girl. My mom always cut my hair short and I wasn’t very girly. So I wanted my little girly girl. When we went to the ultrasound to find out the sex and the nurse told us we were having a girl, I felt as if I was winning the lottery so I burst into tears. In just a few more weeks I was having that little girl I always dreamed about (not to mention that she even came with blue eyes…LOL)

So on a cold day like today, Stella Rose was born at 750p with 4 pounds and 9 ounces. The light of our eyes, with her challenging eye look, with her playful eyebrows managing to express herself without saying much. So strong to give Tyler a good fight, and simply showing us her strong personality that is this little lady. Happy birthday my GORGEOUS little princess.
I know there are many adventures we will live together and we will always be together no matter what. We have started to experiment how the boys want to play xbox and be boys in the house while mommy and Stella Rose go shopping or find something girly to do.
Hope you enjoy having a little girl in your life, it is truly one of the most amazing experiences I have ever lived even though some days are harder than other. I am thankful to have the opportunity to be a mom and hopefully I will help my kids when they decide to be parents;)
Cheers to you princess Stella Rose
Your mommy,
Evelyn Brooks