Artfire VS Etsy–’Cause Competition is Good

Artfire VS Etsy–’Cause Competition is Good Artfire VS Etsy–’Cause Competition is Good

Publicado en por Evelyn Brooks

How important is marketing research, huh!? I am working on how to bring more sales to my e-store or better say how to sell more designs through different online stores. It seems like one/two aren’t not enough…. How can a small jewelry designer entrepreneur do it?

Well, lots of researching, lots of reading and this is just the beginning. During my research I also found a book that explains clearly how to drive traffic to your website. The web traffic evolution guide
Photo courtesy of Webtraffic Evolution Insider

In my research of which stores are dedicated to sell hand-made, hand-fabricated jewelry/art, I found the most heard of ETSY and a new site named ARTFIRE (founded in 2008)

My next step, find out how good/bad or well recommended is ARTFIRE. So I goggled: feedback about Artfire; one of 1st sites to come up was with lots of comments about how artisans and jewelry designers feel about artfire and their number one competitor etsy.

Some artisans said to be very happy with the results, some complain about artfire being new, some mention it is an advantage being new because there is still not many artisans selling as they are on etsy, some others are saying competition is good and also someone suggests don’t just list 12 items, go for more which means paying $9 monthly; and give it at least a year to make a final decision if it is good for you or not.

Again having your own business is not easy and it is always a roller coaster full of risks, good and bad days. In Spanish there is a phrase that I always think about “EL QUE NO ARRIESGA NO GANA”, which means IF YOU DON’T RISK YOU DON’T WIN…

Artfire is free for the 1st 12 pieces you upload and then unlimited $9, although I read that if you reach 5000 sold items, they raise your monthly fee to $20 dollars. I wish I could be paying $20 the next month, right? But I am sure everything takes time.

Do you want to know more about ARTFIRE??? – . Read a complete interview with John Jacobs (Artfire CEO)

Now I will talk about etsy…hmmm etsy, etsy, etsy…my personal experience…

I have sold my pieces there, NOT A LOT. I just stopped doing it because it is TOO MUCH TIME. Maybe it is me …I don’t know (please tell me if I am wrong- your comments are welcomed!) ; but it takes too long to upload a picture and also I feel like now there are so many more jewelers/artisans, different categories that makes it overwhelming for a customer to buy something. If I were to buy something from etsy ( I am speaking as a customer looking for a gift), it will probably have to be a very specific gift otherwise I wouldn’t do it. There is SO MUCH to look at, that makes me dizzy. And who has the time to look at soooo many pieces of jewelry to choose the right gift? Maybe there are buyers who have that kind of time, don’t get me wrong, otherwise etsy would not exist.

Will I try etsy again, YES just during holiday season which for us starts in September and I am pretty sure that people will be looking for RED JEWELRY and my RED HUAYRUROS will be perfect for the season.

The Passion Red Classic Necklace (picture bottom right) & The Classic Crochet Collection (picture top left) will soon be available for sale of etsy & artfire.


How important is marketing research, huh!? I am working on how to bring more sales to my e-store or better say how to sell more designs through different online stores. It seems like one/two aren’t not enough…. How can a small jewelry designer entrepreneur do it?

Well, lots of researching, lots of reading and this is just the beginning. During my research I also found a book that explains clearly how to drive traffic to your website. The web traffic evolution guide
Photo courtesy of Webtraffic Evolution Insider

In my research of which stores are dedicated to sell hand-made, hand-fabricated jewelry/art, I found the most heard of ETSY and a new site named ARTFIRE (founded in 2008)

My next step, find out how good/bad or well recommended is ARTFIRE. So I goggled: feedback about Artfire; one of 1st sites to come up was with lots of comments about how artisans and jewelry designers feel about artfire and their number one competitor etsy.

Some artisans said to be very happy with the results, some complain about artfire being new, some mention it is an advantage being new because there is still not many artisans selling as they are on etsy, some others are saying competition is good and also someone suggests don’t just list 12 items, go for more which means paying $9 monthly; and give it at least a year to make a final decision if it is good for you or not.

Again having your own business is not easy and it is always a roller coaster full of risks, good and bad days. In Spanish there is a phrase that I always think about “EL QUE NO ARRIESGA NO GANA”, which means IF YOU DON’T RISK YOU DON’T WIN…

Artfire is free for the 1st 12 pieces you upload and then unlimited $9, although I read that if you reach 5000 sold items, they raise your monthly fee to $20 dollars. I wish I could be paying $20 the next month, right? But I am sure everything takes time.

Do you want to know more about ARTFIRE??? – . Read a complete interview with John Jacobs (Artfire CEO)

Now I will talk about etsy…hmmm etsy, etsy, etsy…my personal experience…

I have sold my pieces there, NOT A LOT. I just stopped doing it because it is TOO MUCH TIME. Maybe it is me …I don’t know (please tell me if I am wrong- your comments are welcomed!) ; but it takes too long to upload a picture and also I feel like now there are so many more jewelers/artisans, different categories that makes it overwhelming for a customer to buy something. If I were to buy something from etsy ( I am speaking as a customer looking for a gift), it will probably have to be a very specific gift otherwise I wouldn’t do it. There is SO MUCH to look at, that makes me dizzy. And who has the time to look at soooo many pieces of jewelry to choose the right gift? Maybe there are buyers who have that kind of time, don’t get me wrong, otherwise etsy would not exist.

Will I try etsy again, YES just during holiday season which for us starts in September and I am pretty sure that people will be looking for RED JEWELRY and my RED HUAYRUROS will be perfect for the season.

The Passion Red Classic Necklace (picture bottom right) & The Classic Crochet Collection (picture top left) will soon be available for sale of etsy & artfire.


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