The Power of Family & Culture “Orgulloso de Ser” Latino

The Power of Family & Culture “Orgulloso de Ser” Latino The Power of Family & Culture “Orgulloso de Ser” Latino

Geposted am von Evelyn Brooks

The biggest celebration of Hispanics living in the United States kicked off on September 15th and we celebrated it for a whole month in different ways.

When I came to this country twelve years ago, I married the gringo. A gringo who by the way never wanted to have kids…until one day, OH Surprise we had our 1st kid (Tyler Frederick) in 2009 and then our 2nd baby (Stella Rose) in 2013, their last name would change and mine, too when I married him; so to honor my father Juan Estela, I decided to name my daughter Stella.


Mommy & Stella

I have always related more when there was a Hispanic in any situation, at the grocery store or at the gym or at the hospital when I gave birth or in kindergarten. It’s like we know how our families are so alike. Because YES we are LOUD, we love to party, we love to dance, we love to celebrate for any reason, and we love our family more than anything.
All my family still resides in Peru, my father a jewelry designer/manufacturer and my mother, always by his side, once owned her fashion and accessories boutique. Little that I know, I carry all the strength and courage of a business owner like my father and the creativity of a mompreneur to balance being a mom and a business owner at the same time.
I am so PROUD of both – with little income my parents built their company. My dad was originally from the northern part of Peru, a small town called Chiclayo. My mom is from the mountains of Perú (Ancash & Cuzco).
Now that I live in the United States is so important to pass to my kids the culture and heritage of being an “ESTELA” as well as being a Peruvian.  I feel proud that both my kids are bilingual. I have shared many stories with them as well as the love for our traditional Marinera Norteña, a PeruvIMG_5754ian dance known worldwide. I couldn’t feel more proud of my work as a mompreneur and seeing my little six year old winning his 1st Marinera dance competition two weeks ago and seeing my little girl Stella Rose starting her first steps to learn marinera and saying her first Spanish words “no, mi gusta, mama”
I invite you ALL to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. Share it & cheers with a
Coca-Cola. I am sending a gift to my brothers to remember how proud we should be to be ESTELA. Send some love to your relatives that you may haven’t seen in a while or a thoughtful gift to your Latin friends, remembering how we relate to each other and how PROUD we are to be Hispanics.

Visit & Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Day with Coca-Cola

#OrgullosaDeSer #ESTELA


Watch the Coca Cola Video Orgulloso de ser
Hasta la próxima!

This post is brought to you by Coca-Cola®.


The biggest celebration of Hispanics living in the United States kicked off on September 15th and we celebrated it for a whole month in different ways.

When I came to this country twelve years ago, I married the gringo. A gringo who by the way never wanted to have kids…until one day, OH Surprise we had our 1st kid (Tyler Frederick) in 2009 and then our 2nd baby (Stella Rose) in 2013, their last name would change and mine, too when I married him; so to honor my father Juan Estela, I decided to name my daughter Stella.


Mommy & Stella

I have always related more when there was a Hispanic in any situation, at the grocery store or at the gym or at the hospital when I gave birth or in kindergarten. It’s like we know how our families are so alike. Because YES we are LOUD, we love to party, we love to dance, we love to celebrate for any reason, and we love our family more than anything.
All my family still resides in Peru, my father a jewelry designer/manufacturer and my mother, always by his side, once owned her fashion and accessories boutique. Little that I know, I carry all the strength and courage of a business owner like my father and the creativity of a mompreneur to balance being a mom and a business owner at the same time.
I am so PROUD of both – with little income my parents built their company. My dad was originally from the northern part of Peru, a small town called Chiclayo. My mom is from the mountains of Perú (Ancash & Cuzco).
Now that I live in the United States is so important to pass to my kids the culture and heritage of being an “ESTELA” as well as being a Peruvian.  I feel proud that both my kids are bilingual. I have shared many stories with them as well as the love for our traditional Marinera Norteña, a PeruvIMG_5754ian dance known worldwide. I couldn’t feel more proud of my work as a mompreneur and seeing my little six year old winning his 1st Marinera dance competition two weeks ago and seeing my little girl Stella Rose starting her first steps to learn marinera and saying her first Spanish words “no, mi gusta, mama”
I invite you ALL to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. Share it & cheers with a
Coca-Cola. I am sending a gift to my brothers to remember how proud we should be to be ESTELA. Send some love to your relatives that you may haven’t seen in a while or a thoughtful gift to your Latin friends, remembering how we relate to each other and how PROUD we are to be Hispanics.

Visit & Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Day with Coca-Cola

#OrgullosaDeSer #ESTELA


Watch the Coca Cola Video Orgulloso de ser
Hasta la próxima!

This post is brought to you by Coca-Cola®.


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