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  • Fashion for Conservation – SAVING OUR PERUVIAN AMAZONS

    A few months ago I was invited to be part of “RUNWAY TO PERU” event produced by ADOT Productions in collaboration with some of the best Peruvian designers, we will join forces in a one night event to benefit  The fashion show was held at the popular METROPOLIS of Seattle – Washington, and brought some ofthe most notable fashionistas, art lovers and supporters, whom where blown...


  • Evelyn Brooks Designs: My story about social responsibility

    I believe we all have different chapters in our lives. When I was in my 20s I worked for United Airlines and travelled a lot. Traveling is one of my greatest passions! However, during this time of my life two things happened that impacted my life forever. The morning of February 28, 1998.That morning, I was waiting for the United Airlines’ shuttle service that drives their employees to work at the...


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