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  • Summer Makeup Routine

    TGIF – or – Thank goodness it’s Friday!   The weather is heating up and, unfortunately, that means so is your makeup! Below is a quick and natural makeup routine that will stay on no matter what the temperature outside. This is a perfect primer for your summer makeup routine. Not only does it moisturize and prep your skin for your foundation, it also includes SPF 30 to protect your skin against...


  • How Your Makeup Can Survive the Humidity and the Heat!

    Unfortunately, with the heat and humidity, our faces tend to get oily…and you all you ladies know what happens when your face gets oily! Two words: Make-up. Ruined. I finally got convinced that you truly need to do more than a couple steps to bit the heat & humidity to have a flawless make up all day long;) Let me give you some tips that will end this horror! You will have to bear with me because...


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