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  • Potty train your stubborn three year old in five days

    And the time came when we had try to potty train Stella since she was two, but it didn’t work out. Some people say is better to do it during Summer time.   Well we were a away for a month during summer time in Perú and we couldn’t do it. Upon our return, I started to read about how to potty train your kid, so I had an idea because I honestly didn’t even know where to start. I just wanted...


  • When your kid screams for attention

    Now that I have two kids things are starting to get complicated. Having one child is a bit easier, I think…two is getting complicated and I can only imagine, three, four or more…What happens when they scream for attention? and you still have to continue with your dream of succeeding as a mompreneur.  I am starting to notice more often, my older son is screaming for attention. He does everything...


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